Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Day 282

Sovereingnty Day for Iraq

Today marks the deadline for US Troops to pull out of Iraq.  Prime Minister Nouri Malaki has declared June 30 a public holiday dubed Sovereingnty Day. Iraqis take to the streets in celebration as US soldiers dismantle 86 bases and several foreign firms bid for Iraqi oil contracts, the first time in over 40 years- "I drink your milkshake, I drink it up!"

Monday, June 29, 2009

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Day 280

2nd Amendment, Hallelujah!

Churchgoers at the New Bethel Church in Louisville, KY packed their guns in celebration of the 2nd Amendment.  I LOVE this story, especially the quote from one of the worshipers:

Maybe someone should tell him guns weren't invented when the Bible was written.  WWJD, indeed.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Day 279

Climate Bill

House of Representatives passed the climate bill with a vote of 219-213.  The bill will fine companies for emissions of greenhouse gases and would mandate that 15% of the nations electricity come from renewable sources.  Now we will see how it fares in the Senate.  

Day 278

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Day 277

Jobless Claims Rise

U.S. jobless claims rise by 15,000 to 627,000 according to figures from the Labor Department.  Total number of people collecting unemployment insurance is 6.74 million.  WOW!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Day 276

Ed McMahon

I'm taking a break from all the tragic news stories in favor of an obituary story on Ed Mcmahon (ironic, no).  Well, I remember him fondly.  I am just old enough to have caught the tail end of The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson and watched Star Search religiously.  Much to my parents' dismay, his friendly grandpa-esque face is what got me to nag them to apply for the million dollar Publisher's Clearing House Sweepstakes- if we won, he'd show up on our door step. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Day 275

Neda Agha-Soltan

The protests in Iran has put social networking sites and "citizen journalism" to the forefront. Listening to NPR as I write this post, it seems like the broadcast mentions Facebook and Twitter at every program break- something I have not noticed in the past. 

The tragic shooting of Neda Agha-Soltan is a prime example of our increasing reliance on social networking sites and with Iran's restrictions on foreign media, updates on these sites are the only information we are getting.  I have a funny feeling this is going to play out in a very considerable manner- how, remains to be seen.   

Monday, June 22, 2009

Day 274

Voting Rights Act

The Supreme Court reversed a decision regarding Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 made by a lower federal court.  The ruling allows the Northwest Austin Municipal Utility District No. 1 to opt out of of the advanced approval requirement.  There was only one dissent by Justice Clarence Thomas who stated, 

"The violence, intimidation and subterfuge that led Congress to pass Section 5 and this court to uphold it no longer remains"

I learned an interesting fact about Texas while visiting a friend in Austin who works to pass environmental renewable energy legislation.  He told me that the state legislature only meets 6 months every two years.  Their session just ended a week or two ago- no more new legislation for the next two years.  How crazy is that!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Day 273

Day 272

Day 271

First Day of Summer

I guess it is appropriate that I am returning to Boston on the first day of Summer and even more appropriate that there is rain in the forecast.  In the context of world news, when it rains it pours. Iran election protests continue with increased violence, 19 reported dead at press time.  Pakistani forces are stepping up their fight against Taliban forces and are sending aircraft closer to the Afghan boarder. Suicide bombers near Kirkuk, Iraq destroys 50 buildings, kill 80 and wound another 211, the deadliest single attack this year.  

Saturday, June 20, 2009

More Protests in Iran

I'm a little surprised that there is only one story on the Google News RSS Feed about the protests in Iran.  Thousands of people have defied the Ayatollah's decree to restrain from protesting. The supreme leader has stated that challenger Mir Hossein Mousavi will "be held responsible for the consequences if any illegal gatherings".  

Driving in Montreal last night I saw a group of protesters in a park off Rue de Saint Catherine. The world awaits the outcome.  

Friday, June 19, 2009

Recording Industry Association of America

Ridiculousness in the music industry prevails.  Jammie Thomas-Rasset, a Minnesota mother of 4 was convicted of illegally downloading music to the tune of 1.92 million- $80,000 for each of the 24 songs.  This reeks of greed to me, or just a bad way to set an example.  I wonder how Thomas-Rasset was singled out of the possible millions of people who illegally download music and how anyone ever expected her to pay out a sum so extravagant.  

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Day 270

Drove to Montreal, Quebec today.  Rained all the way.  This is my second time in Montreal.  The first time around I didn't get to try the poutine- a national dish of sorts comprised of french fries, cheese curds, and a savory brown gravy.  It sounds and looks a little disgusting, but is actually very, very good.  I'm not actually sure why it hasn't caught on in the states.  In my experience, anything smothered in gravy is pretty darn delicious.

Day 269

Day 268

Day 267

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Mattrixx Initiatives, Inc.

I first heard of Zicam, a Mattrixx Initiatives, Inc. cold remedy product, from my roommate who swore by its effectiveness to ward off colds.  It was very busy time leading up to our thesis exhibition and a cold was the last thing any of us needed.  Today in the news, the FDA issues a warning to the drug company to file a new application on the product after receiving 130 complaints regarding a anosmia, or loss of smell.  

Stocks for the company plummeted 70%.  

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Oh Canada!

Today, eh. I'm in the lovely city of Toronto, eh, and front page news on the Daily Globe and Mail highlights the attempt by billionare Jim Balsillie to bring the bankrupt Phoenix Coyotes to Hamilton.  Canadians love their hockey, eh?  How aboot that, eh?

Monday, June 15, 2009

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei of Iran orders a probe into suspected fraud of last week's presidential election.  This comes after he gave his blessings to reported winner by 62 %, Mahamoud Ahmadinedjad.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Day 266

Today I am in Detroit, Michigan.  Drove around the suburbs and happened to come across the Chrysler Factory that used to build Ram trucks.  Deserted, erie and sad, this town is.  

Day 265

Day 264

Day 263

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Porn stars' risky behaviour increases risk at contracting HIV.  I wasn't going to highlight this story, but I was just told by someone that the Internets and HD technology would be nothing without the porn industry.  Nothing could be closer to the truth.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Safari 4

Safari 4 tops 11 million downloads in 3 days.  I'll be the next to download my browser of choice as soon as I get a better internet connection.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

World Health Organization- Flu Pandemic

The spread of the H1N1 flu virus to Australia triggers the World Health Organization to declare an official flu pandemic- the first in over 40 years.  

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Daniel James Murray

Daniel James Murray was arrested in Laughlin, NV for threatening to murder President Obama while withdrawing $72,000 from his bank account.  My favorite part from the article:

Delusions of grandeur?  I think so.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Day 258

Today is the anniversary of D-Day.  From the Wiki:

Omaha Beach is the code name for one of the main landing points of the Allied invasion of German-occupied France in the Normandy landings on June 6 1944, during World War II.

The beach was located on the northern coast of France, facing the English Channel, and was 5 miles (8 km) long, from (coming from the sea) east of Sainte-Honorine-des-Pertes to west of Vierville-sur-Mer on the right bank of the Douve river estuary. Landings here were necessary in order to link up the British landings to the east with the American landing to the west at Utah beach, thus providing a continuous lodgement on the Normandy coast of the Bay of the Seine. Taking Omaha was to be the responsibility of United States Armytroops, with sea transport provided by the U.S. Navy and elements of the Royal Navy.

On D-Day, the untested 29th Infantry Division, joined by eight companies of U.S. Army Rangers redirected from Pointe du Hoc, were to assault the western half of the beach. The battle-hardened 1st Infantry Divisionwas given the eastern half. The initial assault waves, consisting of tanksinfantry and combat engineer forces, were carefully planned to reduce the coastal defences and allow the larger ships of the follow-up waves to land.

Day 257

National Donut Day

Day 256

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tiananmen Square Anniversary

Today marks the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre. 

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Day 255- Texas

The past two days I've been in New Orleans and had my first Oyster Po' Boy and Muffaletta.  I drove across Louisiana to Texas this morning. This is the first time I've been in TX and it has not disappointed yet.  I ate dinner at Virgie's BBQ and had the best brisket and ribs of my life.  The smoke flavor just penetrated the meat perfectly. Delicious.  Tomorrow I'm off to Lulling and Lockhart, TX to sample more Texas BBQ offerings.

Day 254

Day 253

Monday, June 1, 2009

When It Rains It Pours

Lots of disturbing news today.  GM files for bankruptcy, Dr. George Tiller gunned down by anti-abortionist in his neighborhood church, and Air France Flight 447 from Rio de Janeiro to Paris disappears over the Atlantic Ocean.